– for sealing of landfills, tanks, channels, reservoirs, biotopes, compost heaps, etc.
Dimension: 5.1x40m Upper, 2.55x40m Upper
Bentonite quilts consist of bentonite – absorbing clayey material having high sealing capability. Bentonite receives the moisture from surrounding soil. Considering the quilt’s structure, so-called „free swelling“ occurs, which results in origination of thin and extreme impermeable layer – this one will reliably seal the building structure.
Bentonite quilts replace especially all mineral sealing layers. Bentonite quilts are better as for technical characteristics, economy and positive influence upon the living environment.
Based on the well-considered manufacturing technology, the bentonite quilts appertains to the unique sealing materials with excellent properties (environmental friendly, easy handling, controlled quality, exactly defined high impermeability).
Application fields
Bentonite quilts are used wherever the building structure needs to be sealed. For the bottom or top sealing of landfills, the mineral sealing layer may be completely pr partially replaced by the bentonite quilts. For sealing of reservoirs, tanks, biotopes, compost heaps, waste-water pools and so on, the bentonite quilts presents an economical and environmental friendly solution.
Instruction for use
In order to make the application easier, simple lifting device (earth mover, wheel loader, crane) may be suitably used. At the end of slope, the bentonite quilt is fixed into the anchorage „lock“ and subsequently filled up. In order to achieve interconnection of individual stripes, these ones will be overlapped and the joint will be additionally filled over with bentonite powder. Covering using the quilt is necessary in order to avoid the water break-trough. In every case, the travel directly on the bentonite quilt is prohibited!
– protection against the groundwater and percolating water
Double bentonite quilts (in following only DBR) present an insulation consisting of two optimally synergic sealing components. As the primary sealing component, the geotextile with applied polythene (PE) layer is used; the second component presents the quality bentonite. The sealing characteristic of bentonite will take effect, when the damage of PE layer occurs. The percolating water will cause swelling of bentonite – in this way, the highly sealing layer is created, which will seal the building structure. As well the shrinkage cracks within concrete will be additionally sealed.
DBRs may replace all types of sealing materials used in structural engineering (bituminous stripes, plastic sealing (insulating) stripes of all kinds, etc.). Thanks to the unique manufacturing, the DBRs presents the product being superior to the similar PE-film and bentonite products. Merits of DBRs are as follows: environmental friendly, extreme stability, quick and easy application, high bond strength, controlled quality, and double sealing capability.
Application fields
DBRs are used wherever the building construction is to be protected against the groundwater and percolating water. For the sealing of foundations, cellars, tunnels, underground garages, sun roofs etc. – the DBRs present the full-featured, economical and environmental friendly alternative in comparison with plastic insulations, bituminous stripes, or other sealing materials.
Instructions for use
To allow the use the wide stripes (big rolls) and thus the quick application with minimum number of joints, simple lofting device for the crane or earth-mover may be preferably used. DBRs are placed onto the ground and subsequently the concrete slab is directly performed. In case of assembly onto vertical walls, the DBRs are fixed by means of nails or screws. Owing to simple cutting and overlapping, the DBRs may match to every shape of structure.
Possible joint of two stripes:
- Apply the bentonite powder in the overlapping area, fix the overlapping using Hilti nail.
- Bonding of the joint using bentonite bonding and sealing cement MQ-100 master
- Sealing of the joint using adhesive tape