MQ 100 MASTER – Characteristics Based on bentonite, the gray bonding and sealing cement MQ 100 MASTER contains the anion-active tenside (emulsifier). It features high elastic adhesion as well as adhesive power. Owing to its chemical composition, it is able to expand in contact with water.
Application fields
- for application of bentonite quilts – it eliminates roughness of surface and provides for perfect contact between concrete surface and sealing quilt
- for pasting or sealing quilts in workday and division joints
- for treatment of overlapping of the bentonite quilt and geotextile
- for sealing of cable and pipe grommets and filling-in of cavities and cracks in structural, civil and water engineering
Instructions for use
Apply direct onto the contact surfaces using the spattle or cartridge with extrusion gun. The surface for application of MQ 100 MASTER must by dry (wet is admissible), without dust and oily dirt.
When stored and processed, this product is neither flammable nor toxic. Temperature for storage/processing +1°C to 30°C.